5. Installing FreeSBIE-1.1

FreeSBIE 1.1 includes the BSD installer, developed by the DragonFly BSD Installer Team.

You can choose the installer from the FreeSBIE startup menu, or you can invoke it at any time simply typing:


on a terminal window or console.

As FreeSBIE ships with lots of software compressed inside it, please note that you have to configure a quite big /usr partition (at least 2 gigabytes recommended) on the target system.

Using the installer is quite easy if you have little experience with *NIX-like system. Basically, let the installer decide partition sizes for you, keeping attention only to the /usr partition mentioned above.

BSD Installer makes distinct /usr and /home partitions by default. Anyway, if you're low on space, you can safely delete the /home partition and give /usr all the space left (by typing "*" on the size field). The installer will create home directories under /usr and a symlink on the root (/home -> /usr/home).

Don't be afraid if during the install process the after_installation_routines script (at 98% of the progress) takes quite long to finish. It has to recover permissions all around the filesystem, because the ISO-9660 filesystem of the CD isn't able to keep them.